Please note our office will be closed from 3pm on Friday 2oth December 2024 and will re-open on Monday 6th January 2025.
During this time our phone line will not be manned and you will be unable to leave a voicemail. However, you can still contact us via email or our online contact form and we will get back to you when we re-open.
Our waiting list is also currently closed at the moment, which means we cannot accept new referrals for the time-being. Please look out for updates here or on our social media.
If you need immediate support
Please note that there are other services which will continue to offer support during this time.
Breathing Space: Call 0800 83 85 87
Samaritans: Call 116 123
Shout: Text “shout” to 85258
In an emergency, always contact 999.